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// Services 

Blue Mountains Coaching (BMC) will provide coaching & mindfulness services upon agreement. 

The International Coaching Federation (“ICF”) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”. BMC services consist of private sessions during which BMC founder will ask strategic questions to help a client gain clarity about a particular problem or objective, encourage self-discovery, hold them accountable, and elicit client-generated solutions. 

Each client acknowledges that: 

  • BMC services do not constitute legal, financial or medical advice, and are not a replacement for these or other professional services; 

  • Coaching is not equivalent to counseling – BMC founder is not a health professional and does not diagnose or provide advice or treatment for social, personal, psychological or mental health issues;

  • BMC services are not covered by extended health insurance plans; 

  • Coaching is not prescriptive. Clients alone are responsible for evaluating their choices and deciding on the appropriate action; and 

  • There are many variables that contribute to success and fulfillment in ones work, life and career. BMC cannot guarantee that their services will lead to your success or desired outcome. 


// Fees 

All fees are to be paid before each session as per separate agreement. 


// Scheduling changes and Cancellation 

If a client needs to reschedule their coaching session, they must provide at least 24-hours advance notice. If they do not provide BMC with 24-hours notice of cancellation, they may be charged for the coaching session at BMC's sole discretion. If BMC needs to reschedule a coaching session, BMC will provide at least 24-hours advance notice. 


// Ethics and Confidentiality 

Blue Mountains Coaching and its founder are bound by the ethical code of conduct and standards of behaviour established by the ICF, which includes strict rules of confidentiality. As such, each coaching relationship and the content of every conversation is confidential unless the client consents to the release of specific information or I am required to disclose information about the  relationship pursuant to a valid court order or subpoena. If Blue Mountains Coaching believes that a client is involved in illegal activities or there is a likely or imminent risk to oneself or others, Blue Mountains Coaching may be required to inform appropriate authorities. 

It is important for Blue Mountains Coaching to recognise that the Coach-Client relationship is not subject to any legally recognized privilege, which means that BMC or its founder could be compelled to disclose the content of our sessions to a court. 

BMC and its founder are required to provide ICF with the names and contact information for clients for the purposes of continuing education and credentialing. By agreeing to these terms, each client consents to the disclosure of their  name and contact information to ICF for this purpose. The content of all sessions will remain strictly confidential. 


// Limited Liability 

Each client acknowledges and agrees that no guarantees or warranties of any kind or nature, whether expressed or implied, will apply to BMC services, and accepts sole responsibility for creating and implementing the decisions, choices, actions and results that arise from or relate to BMC services. In no event will I be liable for any damage or loss that arises from or is related to BMC services. 

© 2022 by Blue Mountains Coaching ABN 65331959317


I work and live on Darug and Gundungarra country. I acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay my respect to elders, past, present and future. 

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