We connect to inspire - Online program to boost your wellbeing, success and positivity.
Connecting strong, creative and bold women to support them in their ventures through an online coaching peer platform together with Sonja Kirschner, double human Coaching & Consulting.
Every series contains four 75min sessions plus community meetups and LinkedIN group.
NEW DATES: Tues April 6 & 20, May 4 &18 at 1pm CET/ 7am EST ($USD 395,- full price early bird discount available)
Because haven't we all been there? Feeling stuck, something is holding us back to make a long desired change or we're just stressing from one thing to the next without much focus and losing track of ourselves? Plus, three quarters of a disruptive year lie behind us. No matter where you are right now, you probably had different plans this year. Now is the time to explore what you want 2021 to become and start it off STRONG.
We hope to see you soon in our try-it circle. You can join at any time, no need to join the circles in a specific order or all of them at once, just register below. We've got you! We, that is Cindy Hurley-Leister and Sonja Kirschner.
Together, we tackle our day-to-day challenges and even bigger dreams.
Do I have to be a w/ sisters alumna to join the deepen it or keep it circle?
No, you will benefit from a 1:1 onboarding session with Sonja or Cindy to set you up for success.
Do I have to commit to all 4 sessions of one series?
Yes, absolutely, the more the better. It is important to ask yourself whether this is the right time to join and then fully commit to it.
How do I know whether w/ sisters is the right “thing” for me?
w/ sisters works best if you:
Are looking for inspiration from other amazing women
Enjoy a global, virtual group
Have been circling around a specific topic in your life you want to shift
Want to explore coaching
How can I register?
Registration is super easy, just get in touch through the form below and we’ll take it from there. A wonderful group of women around the globe is waiting for you.
"It's amazing to see what we women have in common! All w/ sisters are so impressive and on the inside it looks different and is challenging for all of us."
HR Manager, Fortune500
"The program that Sonja and Cindy put together is great for getting more of what you need and less of what you don't want. I feel inspired, challenged and relaxed after the one hour session. Connecting with other amazing women and realizing we're all the same but different is another benefit."
Film Producer/Adjunct Professor Columbia University